I get it—talking about discomfort can make you feel uneasy, like when your teacher calls on you and you haven't done your homework. But don't worry, my goal isn't to make you feel bad. Quite the opposite! I want to spark some excitement about what's possible for you, your career, or your business. I want to challenge you, but in a good way.
When it comes to building your personal brand, playing small should be the last thing on your mind. And by playing small, I don’t mean taking huge, daring steps every day. What I mean is this: push your comfort zone a bit, even if it's just once a week. Do things that move you closer to your vision.
Allow me to share some examples of what these "playing-big" actions might entail. You can use them right away or keep them in mind for when you're ready.
I like to categorise playing big into two distinct categories:
1. Playing Bigger: This involves taking actions that propel you closer to your goals. It's about stepping into uncharted territory with excitement rather than fear. These are actions you can start implementing immediately, requiring minimal preparation or time commitment.
2. Playing Really Big: On the other hand, playing really big involves actions that not only push you out of your comfort zone but also trigger a sense of fear or apprehension. These actions require you to embody your future self and bring you into direct contact with your audience and stakeholders.
For instance, playing bigger might include:
- Reading books about branding.
- Mapping out the next steps in your career.
- Enhancing the look and feel of your LinkedIn profile.
- Crafting your signature offer.
- Refining your visual identity.
- Developing content for your website.
- Planning a photoshoot for your brand.
- Engaging with your audience on social media.
Meanwhile, playing really big might entail:
- Initiating a conversation with your boss about a raise, promotion, or career development strategy.
- Conducting a survey about your signature offer among your target audience.
- Seeking feedback from your target audience to ensure clarity of your brand message.
- Offering your services to a select group of potential customers in exchange for feedback or testimonials.
- Facilitating a workshop for stakeholders within your company.
- Accepting a public speaking engagement.
- Reaching out to potential customers via direct messaging.
- Taking a more visible role and speaking up at your next team meeting.
- Attending a networking event to expand your professional network.
Both lists are endless and can be tailored to your specific goals and circumstances. However, the underlying principle remains the same: while both playing bigger and playing really big are essential for progress, it's often the latter that propels us forward in significant ways. Playing bigger may feel safer, but playing really big is where true transformation and growth occur.
As an optional exercise, I encourage you to ask yourself: What one playing-really-big thing can I do in the next 1-2 weeks to bring me closer to my goal? Embrace the discomfort, lean into the challenge, and watch as you step into your greatness.
★ Ready to take your brand to the next level? Book a free discovery call with me today.